"Tell me" online psychological support platform

“Tell me” is a free online platform for providing psychological counseling, which helps everyone in need of emotional support, counseling, help due to the spread of COVID-19.

It is not by chance that the Institute’s team came up with ​​creating an online platform. The introduction of quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic has not only affected the usual pace of life of Ukrainians, but also disturbed their emotional state. Many people were neither for psychologically ready for self-isolation nor significant restrictions on movement. Some have faced emotional and physical violence.

How does the platform operate?

Online platform team practices cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is one of the most wide-spread forms of psychotherapeutic care for people with various psychological issues.

During the campaign the following initiatives were developed:

  • web platform
  • outdoor advertising in Kyiv (140 promotional items in total: 45 boards, 25 scrolls, 50 city lights and 20 subway lights)
  • large-scale digital campaign
  • media publications

Results obtained for the last 4 months since the project launch:

  • more than 9,000 hours of consultations were held
  • the website was visited 60,000 times by 30,000 users
  • All-Ukrainian information campaign was launched (external campaign + digital).
  • the coverage reached more than 15 million in 5 months (external campaign + digital). The number of applications is daily increasing by 5%
  • information support was received from the Ministry of Health, the Red Cross, Google, Facebook

Social media of the project